- The social dimensions of networks (e.g. correlating geography in a digital networked world). Will increasing fidelity alter 'experience' in the digital sphere?
- Self-organisation sits on the edge of chaos - creating an intuitive web design to make sense of complex systems. Fluid and flow, will the touch screen change how we teach online?
- What importance (if any) lies in the concept of ‘choice’ within online learning?Self-efficacy related to ability and self-motivation (Bandurra 97). Proving the upward trend between self-efficacy and leaner control. (low level browsing and searching vs. high level pace/choice/activity)… digital democracy etc..
- Providing guidance (Meyer 1990 et al Anderson 2011) for the first year experience, what are the effects of using a user centred design approach to mitigate students perceptions vs. actuality? ((notion of nieve students)) (Entwhisle et al 2002, Biggs & Tang 2007)
- Agency within a relational ontology. Does digital culture impact on a sustainable world view? (ecologies –cognitive ecology, virtual embodiment, be-ing in the world) agency – constructivists vs. social constructivists (SCOT model (theory and methodology)… agency and the digital… lived experience and everyday practice.
- From chunks to flow. Has the digital postmodern paradigm shaped learner ability to comprehend networks (network culture?).. centralised > decentralised > distributed (digital ecosystems, digital humanities) Does this increase awareness of sustainability? (McLuhan is famous for critiquing the different types of cultural and material processes that are made available between print-based media (like books and magazines) and electronic media like television, radio, and film. While print requires thinking that is linear, chronological, and separate from the thinking of others, electronic media are considered more organic, simultaneous, and interdependent on other media and on other users of that media.)
- Is student agency (real or digital) being threatened with the use of personal and social devices in higher education? (or AKA my secret agenda - Why Facebook will never be used for learning – the line between personal and professional use of technologies.)
- The blurry line between personalised learning and guided learning, what is the learner experience in a multi new media paradigm? (overload, time, stress ?)
- The poor design of blackboard and it’s impact on technological determinism, staff perceptions of educational technology.
- Simulations and online learning – does truth likeliness affect meaning making and learning outcomes? (test of fidelity and verisimilitude)
- Does teaching mental models and systems thinking, mapping process (visually) provide students with the design skills they need to understand complex systems?
- Representing diversity – circle beats the square. Does teaching non hierarchical data visualisation impact on ecological thinking ?
- The creative exchange between people and place. Guiding staff/student understanding of sustainability at the University of Otago. (breakdown of nature as ‘other’ using Ecosophy to make individuals realise they are part of a system, all parts make the whole) Implementing social responsibility through visual communication (action tendency, action design, info graphics and narrative) within the context of U.O. … Impact or no? (links to ‘transformational media’ – as a new approach to sustainability)
- The concept of pessimism within Ed. Tech. taking this a step further – will using failure theory (Halbertsam) act as a more effective way to debunk myth? (failure can be productive)
- Debunking myths around teaching and learning – why should we use ‘emotional design’ to communicate with academics?
- Form follows function – using this design principal in deciding how to deliver information. Will creating a resource around this help teachers make informed decisions re communication via mode and media selection? .. and muti-modal relationships…? In teaching and learning.
- What impact (if any) does cloud computing have on digital sustainability? And how does this impact on Higher Education?
- Using the SCOT model of technology.. is the introduction of the Ipod in Otago classrooms beneficial? (experience and outcomes?) (what effect does it have if any?) .. how the ipod ‘arose’ in education.
- New media and education – a critical Marxist approach to the infiltration of technology within education and it’s repercussions (media theory in HE..) what is possible and what is limited by a given medium. Or, in other words, how does the structure of the medium limit how that medium can be used and how do social actors work both within and against that structure? Marshall McLuhan … "The medium is the message" meaning that the form of a medium embeds itself in the message, creating a symbiotic relationship by which the medium influences how the message is perceived. (Mediation)
- Educational Technology and the propaganda model – when we introduce an Ipod in the classroom – what else are we exposing students to and what does that say about education? … Phil Graham’s Hypercapitalism: New Media, Language, and Social Perceptions of Value
- What effect does visual priming have on Learner experience / outcomes ?
- What effect does priming/highlighting creativity into a have on learner experience?
- Is there a need to develop a digital space to teach/learn/practice creative thinking techniques? (LOTS of research on developing creativity in HE) – would an open online educational resource help? (some resources exist already)
- Will embracing Wikipedia in the classroom encourage participatory creativity? (Embracing mash-up culture …Mashup Cultures presents a broader view of the effects and consequences of current remix practices and the recombination of existing digital cultural content. It also unveils some of the key drivers leading to the participatory engagement of the User)
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